Pure Smile Dental Group focuses on general and cosmetic dentistry

Root Canal Treatment

Home Root Canal Treatment

Endodontics or simply root canal treatments are results of inflammatory processes or direct decay. It is an irreversibly damaged occure to a tooth and would require treatment to preserve it in the mouth. Root canal Therapy requires cleaning inside the roots of a tooth and sealing it permanantly. In most cases, the tooth will require restoration with a crown for long term success. The process is painless and done under local anesthetic.

Root Canal Treatment । Pure Smile Dental Group

Tooth decay can cause an abscessed (infected) tooth.

The decay is removed and an opening is made into the pulp chamber.

The pulp and nerve are removed, the root canals inside the tooth are cleaned shaped, and disinfected.

The root canals and pulp chamber are filled.

A metal rod (post) may be placed in the root canal to help retain the core (filling) material, which supports the restoration (crown).

The crown of the tooth is then rest. If bone is lost due to infection at the root tip, this will heal over several  months after the root canal is clear and sealed.